Summarizer-Agent OSS quickly cuts down long text to the basics, making it easy to get the gist without the fluff. It’s the ideal tool for fast and clear information digestion.


  • Custom Summary instructions: Choose to condense information into summaries, bullet-point notes, or even concise tweets.
  • Content Focus: Ensures critical information is highlighted while omitting non-essential details.
  • Language Model Precision: Utilizes advanced LLM capabilities to maintain the coherence and relevance of summaries.

Summarizer-Agent Feature Comparison

Here’s how the OSS version matches up against premium versions. It is important to note that the RLHF (Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback) is not included in the OSS version.

FeatureOpen Source Edition (OSE)Enterprise Edition (EE)
Summary GenerationGPT-4Any LLM + Lyzr RLHF
instructions CustomizationSummary, Notes, Tweet or text promptEnhanced style customization options
Critical Information FocusYesYes


Instantiating the Summarizer is straightforward:

from lyzr import Summarizer
summarizer = Summarizer(api_key="your_openai_api_key")

Generating Summaries

text = "Big paragraphs or conversations that you wish to streamline or shorten"
style = "Summary"  # Other options include "Notes", "Tweet"

summary = summarizer.summarize(text, instructions=style)

This will result in a neatly condensed version of the text, catering to your selected style, and facilitating a faster understanding of the content’s essence.


  • The OSS version lacks RLHF, which may impact adaptability and refinement of the summaries.
  • Internet connectivity is required.

Summarizer-Agent provides a resourceful solution for anyone seeking to convert extensive narratives into straightforward, clear-cut summaries or notes. It’s particularly apt for professionals, students, or any individual grappling with the challenge of navigating through substantial chunks of information efficiently.